Time delay switch (T1517)
Time delay switch (T1517)
Voltage is applied to the unit at all times via the black and white wires. When the switch is placed in the “On” position, power is applied to the Lamp and Fan Output. When the switch is placed in the “Timed” position, the power is removed from the Lamp Output and the Fan Output stays on for the preset delay time. After the delay time the power is removed from the Fan Output. Should the switch be placed in the “On” position during the delay time, the timer will be reset and both outputs will be “On” as defined above. Should power be interrupted, when in the “Timed” position, the timer will be reset and when power is reapplied the Fan Output will be “On” for the preset delay time after the power is re-applied. Superior Series HRVs and ERVs.